Wow, I haven’t written a blog post in sooo long. The past 2 years have definitely led me to think about why even have a blog. Especially with Instagram and Tiktok taking over (I have an unhealthy addiction to Tiktok btw). I’ve seen a few people pull the plug on their blogs as well and it shows how the trends are changing. I definitely want to get back into it and remind myself of why I started this in the first place. So let the first blog post of the year be a recap of last year and my resolutions for this year!
I think everyone starts off the year strong by having some resolutions set. I set mine in December and let me tell you, it’s been tough trying to stick to them. Of course, going to the gym/being more healthy overall is number one. Traveling more – internationally – is another one that’s up there. I’m going to Mexico this year for sure but I also want to find a way to include France, Morocco, and possibly Colombia.
- Be healthier – gym and eating healthier
- Save more money
- Travel internationally (and renew my passport)
- Procrastinate less
- Create more routines
I also need to save up almost all of my money as I have several weddings to go to and I want to make some big purchases. I love budgeting and have been doing so avidly since 2020; although last year the budget went to hell. This year the goal is to keep within my range and be more mindful. If you want to get my spreadsheet for budgeting, comment on this post! It’s free obviously but I would love to know what someone else thinks.
Of course one of the bigger goals is to be better at creating blog posts, and content, and posting it all on time! If there’s any easy way for me to post all my stuff it would make my life easier. It would also be better for everyone who actually like my outfits! I do buy a lot of things I just never take pictures in them so if you guys would like more haul-style reels, I can make that a thing as well!
2022 recap
Last year flew by. Like I literally don’t remember January starting and running through to the end of the year. Overall 2022 was great, I met some special people, got to travel, and excelled in my career. One highlight was being in Alexandria Magazine’s September Issue!! My second time being featured by a major publication, and my first one to have a photoshoot.
I got to go to Portugal, Madrid, and San Francisco for the first time! I fell more in love with Spain, the Bay was ok, somehow I think I may end up there against my protests. Portugal was a mini Bay Area; Lisbon had a similar bridge to the Golden Gate Bridge and so many hills. I realized how out of shape I really am.

In terms of purchases, I didn’t buy too many luxury items last year. I had my first VCA purchase, a new YSL bag, and many pairs of shoes. I got 2 new pairs of dunks, 1 pair of Js (the retro Lost and Found), loafers, and heels. I tried salmon for the first time and I’m hooked. I also started therapy last year just for the sake of it. It helped me learn a lot about myself and if you’re thinking about doing it, I highly recommend it!
The biggest change from last year was leaving my job! I started my blog idea at Freddie Mac and took so many of my work outfit pictures in this tiny little alcove on the third floor. It was such a great year for me but I knew it was time to go. I started my new job recently and so far, I love it!

I hope that this year is amazing for you all! I have high hopes for me hitting all my goals. I also have a good feeling about this year. Check back in December to see if my blog post contradicts this post lol.