Hi Everyone! Wow, I haven’t written a blog post in ages. Sorry, that’s definitely on me! I was going to post all of these suits/looks on Instagram but there are just so many things I did in Sept/Oct that they all need to be in a central location. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen quite a bit of traveling. I had my cousin’s wedding at the end of September so I ordered 2 new suits for that. Then, I jet-setted off to Orlando for the weekend and had fun with one of my friends. And as soon as I got back, it was time for my other cousin’s Inter-state wedding. We went to Jersey on a Saturday, drove home, and had the reception the next day. My last wedding was more of a plus one type of invite but who cares.
I love to really pick out how my suits will look and I’m super particular. If you want to know how to order a suit from India and have it look like what you want, check out this post here. With that being said, I’m obsessed with all my suits usually always. My blue suit definitely was a winner but the kadai was so weak (or I’m just a little heavy these days) that some of the beading started to come off. I can’t disclose that designer as of yet because I may be hunted down by the people who use her so stay tuned. She also made my purple gharara which I’m including cause why not?! I’ll add the details to each suit in the caption but if you have any specific questions, feel free to message me on Insta or make a comment here!

Set: Mortantra

Jewelry: Borrowed